Straight after the break up, nearly two years ago, I put all the stuff in a box and hid it in my office. This was the week it finally had to get moved. I’ve been in a total state knowing I had to tackle ‘it’.
I got 2 bags, one for a charity shop and one for the bin (to go in a public bin far, far away from work).
My hands were shaking so hard. I grabbed all the books, toys, funny pictures in frames, little presents and jammed them in the charity bag without looking. I half glimpsed a couple of the books and thought, oh! I really love that… then realized that’s WHY they had to go. Love and having everything in common wasn’t the problem.
Then all the letters and photos….my hands were shaking so much. So I just ripped and ripped. I stopped for a moment and saw his writing on an envelope . ‘More words’ it said. And in that moment I realised I never trusted his words.
So I shoved all the ripped paper and took both bags out.
Yes, there was a moment of regret but then I thought all the precious stuff is in my head and that can never go.
I feel relieved. It’s moving on.